Badgers are fascinating to study and photograph, partly because of their iconic black-and-white facial markings. They are active in the evening and at night, which makes capturing them in photos especially exciting.
The Common Buzzard is an impressive raptor that visits my photo hides in pairs. It’s exciting to photograph them as they compete for food, and their beautiful plumage can create fantastic images.
The Crested Tit is a small, lively, and unshy coniferous forest bird. With its distinctive crest and beautiful plumage, it is a fascinating and charming species to get close to and photograph in its natural habitat.
The Goshawk is known for its hunting skills and sharp vision. In my photo hides, you have a great chance to get close and photograph this majestic raptor, which is otherwise rarely seen in the forest.
In my photo hides, you can get close to and photograph species such as the Eurasian Jay, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Coal Tit, and Treecreeper. You’ll capture stunning images of these forest birds with their unique and beautiful details.